Below you can find some accompanying notes which you might find useful, although they aren't really intended to be stand alone, but to act as an aide memoire and reference for those who came along. We also offer tutorials - on a group basis for half an hour before our main evenings, on an occasional basis. Other emails might include updates to tunebooks, new songs and details of upcoming gigs. Ukulele Song Books Absolute Beginners Ukulele Absolute Beginners-Ukulele Book 2 BLUES STANDARDS Ukulele Play-Along HERB OHTA-JUMPIN JIMS UKULELE MASTERS. This e-book is the companion to the Mahalo DVD that’s called Ukulele Crazy: Get Your Uke On Both the e-book and the DVD are for beginners, so if you just got your first ukulele, you’re in the right place.
The majority of members use an iPad or Android tablet to store and view their music - just make sure it is charged up before the meeting! If you are coming to a meeting and do not have such a device, someone will always let you share.Ĭommunication between meetings is usually via email - we recap each meeting (for those that weren't there) and give an idea of what we will be doing next week. Ukulele Wednesdays Songbook v.4 This songbook is intended for use at our two jam nights in London. You’re headed towards ukulele glory I’m Bartt Warburton, and I’m going to teach you how to play ukulele. Of course you are free to print them out yourself - but there's quite a lot of it.
We provide music as downloadable pdf files, grouped as 'books'. If you can sing at the same time as playing, then you will be doubly welcome.

The idea is that as your playing progresses you will be able to tackle the more challenging songs - and even then we make sure that even total beginners make a musical contribution to every song. Our repertoire includes songs of varying complexity - from two (simple) chord songs, to ones with little picking patterns and chords that will stretch you (and your fingers!). Well, almost - there is precious little classical or hip-hop in there as yet! We reflect the preferences of the members, so if you join us you will have opportunities to introduce the kind of music you'd like to play.

We play music from all eras, in all styles.